Tag Archives: Quitting

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease: Smoking Cessation Program

Yesterday, I received a memo about some new work policy changes that would encourage people to stop smoking. First of all, I have to say, I think that overall the ideas are good and I personally think smoking is a nasty habit. Also, I am allergic to smoke, so things like smoking bans in bars and restaurants were welcome changes for me, since now I can go out without feeling like I’m sick afterwards. And I certainly don’t enjoy walking through clouds of smoke, even a little bit, like the wafts of smoke when someone smashes their butt on the ground without disposing of it properly. So, just as a disclaimer, this is my personal opinion based on my experience and I may be a little snarky about it (I can’t help it, I have to make fun of things that annoy me!!). My opinion is also biased based on being a non-smoker and I don’t doubt that it will be offensive to some, but while I support the overall idea, I have some issues with the way the changes are handled.

English: Universal no smoking sign

English: Universal no smoking sign (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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